1.BAN.DO ‘Hey Girl Hey’ Greeting Cards (Set of 18) $18: I love having blank cards in the house. It’s a major life saver when you want to send a quick note to someone, but don’t have the time to run out and get a card. Don’t stockpile unless you send out a ton of cards. Keeping too many cards isn’t good for the organization process- LOL. Of course, make sure you also have a few extra postage stamps in the house too.
2.Cylinder Can $9.99/each: If you actually sit at your desk to work, pay bills and write notes, I highly recommend having 2 trash cans below your desk. Designate one for RECYCLING and one for SHRED. They don’t need to be different colors, but it might help-especially if other people also sit at your desk. If you accumulate trash while sitting at your desk, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to add a third can for TRASH below your desk. The intention here is A: not to leave your desk to throw something away and B: not to have recycling/shred/trash on your desk while you’re working. Organizing tip: if you collect more than 3 pieces of shred every day, then instead of shredding it yourself, I suggest you find an Office Depot nearby where they will happily shred your papers for you. This is a must for business owners! It costs about $2/pound, but well worth your time in the end.
3.TPS Mint 3-Drawer Filing Cabinet $159: I think every home needs a file cabinet. It doesn’t have to be expensive or fancy, but a little something to keep your bills (if you choose to keep them throughout the year) and your taxes organized. It’s especially helpful to have a file cabinet with a couple extra drawers if your desk doesn’t have any drawers to house pens, post-its, paper clips, etc.
4.Doré Hexagon Bowls (set of 4) $36: These adorable little bowls have all kinds of uses to stay organized. You can use them on your desk for paper clips and push pins. They would be a useful and decorative way to hold jewelry. Putting one by the front door to house loose change is another idea. Look around your house to find ways you could use them.
5. Navy Poppin Stacking Letter Tray $13.99/each: The most common use for a letter tray is paper. You can choose from all kinds of ideas! Use a letter tray to house kids’ homework until you can proof it before they turn it in. It can be used for mail by the front door. My favorite is having one letter tray for each member of your family so you can communicate with each other. For example, kids can put permission slips in mom or dad’s letter tray while mom and dad can put a child’s birthday card from grandma in their letter tray. You can get as creative as you need to to help keep you organized.