Moms can’t be expected to do everything and still have time to themselves. One of the secrets to staying organized is delegating some of your duties to your kids. I’ve heard excuses as to why not to delegate:
“It’s faster to do it myself.”
“They don’t do it the right way.”
“I end up doing the rest of it myself.”
Those are good reasons not to delegate, however, along with academics, kids should learn how to organize and clean up after themselves. Remember, you’re preparing them for adulthood. Let’s show our little ones how a little help here and there can be good for everyone. Here are a few duties you can delegate to your kids so you can squirrel away a little time for yourself each day:
- Put dirty dishes in the sink or on the counter next to the sink (age 5 and up) time saved: 5 minutes
- Take clothes out of the dryer and lay them flat on top of the dryer until you find time to fold them (age 5 and up) time saved: 7 minutes
- Take clothes out of the dryer, fold them and leave them on the dryer (age 9 and up) time saved: 15 minutes
- Take clothes out of the dryer, fold them and distribute to each room (age 10 and up) time saved: 20 minutes
- Load the dishwasher (age 6 and up) time saved: 5 minutes
- Unload the dishwasher and put dishes away (age 8 and up) time saved: 5 minutes
- Toss expired pantry items (age 9 and up) time saved: 5 minutes
- Pick up toys from common areas (age 3 and up) time saved: 5 minutes
- Take out the trash (age 6 and up) time saved: 2 minutes
- Set the table (age 5 and up) time saved: 4 minutes
- Clear the table (age 5 and up) time saved: 7 minutes
- Clear the table and put all food away in containers (age 10 and up) time saved: 15 minutes
- Vacuum (age 6 and up) time saved: 2 minutes (per room)
- Wipe down all counter tops (age 6 and up) time saved: 3 minutes
- Give the dog a bath (age 10 and up) time saved: 15 minutes
- File away paid bills (age 10 and up) time saved: 2 minutes
- Shred old documents (age 7 and up) time saved: 5 minutes
- Clean mirrors (age 7 and up) time saved: 5 minutes
- Water outdoor plants (age 5 and up) time saved: 5 minutes
Download our free printable chore chart here. Encourage your chore chart program with XOXO Daddy Dollars and XOXO Mommy Money.