If you own your own business, you know how difficult it can be to have so much responsibility on your shoulders. You may be running a solo operation or have a team helping you. Either way, you know that often times there can be multiple steps for certain procedures.
This is where a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)—a predetermined step-by-step instruction guide on how to complete a task—comes to our rescue. I love SOP’s because even someone not familiar with your procedures can complete the task as if they were a seasoned veteran at your company.
standard operating procedure Word Origin
1. a set of fixed instructions or steps for carrying out usually routine operations.
Abbreviation: SOP.
I recommend making an SOP for any and all processes that require more than 2 steps. Not only will an SOP help in a hurry-up-and-get-this-done-in-5-minutes type of a situation, but you can ensure that the procedure will run smoothly no matter who will be completing the procedure. An SOP is easy to make. Here’s how to make one:
1. List each step from START to FINISH. Be specific. List each step in order that they should be completed. Be sure to add notes like where certain files can be found, passwords, etc. Don’t leave anything out.
2. After you’ve written your SOP, test it out by only following the step-by-step instructions that have been written. Make revisions, as needed.
3. Once you have revised your SOP to its most perfect design, give it to a friend, family member, colleague, etc. so they can test it out too. The more people you have test it out the better. Sit next to them as they follow each step. Follow along to see if you need to add or subtract any steps in your procedure.
4. Make any final revisions to your SOP, then name it something simple so that others are clear as to what to use your SOP for. The goal is to make your SOP user friendly.
5. Save your perfected SOP in an easily accessible place for authorized personnel to access. You and anyone on your team should be able to print your SOP before starting the procedure so they don’t miss any steps.
Remember, as your business grows, you may need to revisit each SOP to make sure all instructions continue to be relevant.
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