“How do I know if I don’t need it anymore?” might be one of the questions I get asked most often.
In other words, how do you know when to say “goodbye” to an item(s)? If one or all of the following are true:
1. You have a better substitute(s) for said item(s).
EXAMPLE: CRAFT SUPPLIES- You have old supplies in addition to the brand new supplies you recently purchased. The likelihood of using the old stuff is slim-to-none, yet it’s taking up precious space in your craft cabinet.
2. The space you allotted for a certain item is completely full (assuming there’s no better place to keep said items).
EXAMPLE: PENS- You have 300 pens in your desk drawer. You have your 5 favorites and the others are really just taking up space.
3. You have never used all of the items at any given time.
EXAMPLE: PLASTIC GROCERY BAGS- you have a container under your sink (P.S. I highly recommend this) to hold your grocery bags. Your container is currently filled to the brim and you don’t even use this many plastic bags.
Moral of the story: Just because you have it, doesn’t mean you need to store it.
P.S. The most accessible spaces need to be saved for the items you USE and LOVE on a regular basis.