This Donate Challenge is meant to help you make a little extra space in your drawers, cabinets, closets and other places you may not have looked through in a while. Taking this challenge means committing to look through the areas listed in the challenge and donating/tossing what you KNOW you won’t use/want/need in the future.
Donating and purging is one of the best things you can do when you first start organizing your home. Notice the name of this challenge is DONATE- not organize. I only want you to donate/toss things you KNOW you won’t use/want/need in the future. If you need to call a friend or need more than 10 seconds to think about whether or not to keep the items listed in the challenge, then the best thing to do is just to keep them and move on to the next item you see. The point of this challenge is to make a tiny bit of space in each area of your home.
Take the 30-Day Donate Challenge and download your FREE PDF here: XOXO 30-Day Donate Challenge
Participate by taking before and after photos. You can tag us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter: #XOXO30DAYS
Here are pictures from last year’s Donate Challenge: